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Read these first

  • How long is the program?
    CodeBlue is a partnership that is billed month to month. Start right away, and there is no end date. But if you run the program and are fully accountable, I shouldn't need to see you after 6 months. You'll be living a completely new lifestyle, and you'll be ready to help others start doing the same.
  • Do I have to do a lot of meal prep?
    Meal prep is not mandatory, but we provide guidelines and tips if you choose to prep meals to make your week easier. I want you to get in the habit of eating a very similar breakfast and lunch everyday, and then being able to be flexible dinner so that you can enjoy the foods that you like and stay within plan.
  • Can I still do my own workout program?
    Absolutely! We have guys in the program that pursue all different kinds of fitness endeavors based on their goal. The new workout plans that are assigned each month are designed to get you jacked in the most minimal amount of time possible. But we also have guys who do CrossFit, hike, run marathons and more. It's not so much the type of workout that you're doing, just that you're doing something each day that is pushing you to the next level. The magic is in eating the right amount of the right Foods and being fully accountable for knocking out those workouts each day and posting your nutrition to the group each night.
  • Do I have to track my food?
    Yes, you're going to need your track your food because we can't address any issues or make changes without good raw data to work off of. It can seem overwhelming at first, but after a couple weeks tracking will become second nature. Those that track, will succeed. Those that track and then post to the group each night, will get ripped.
  • Can my wife or partner join me?
    CodeBlue is designed for men only, but inevitably when you change your habits for the better, your wife or partner will come along with you after a couple months. You never want to push this on them, but they will see the positive changes happening in your life and want to be a part of it. We are going to instill really basic, trackable habits that you can both participate in together.
  • I've tried other programs online and they didn't work for me, why is CodeBlue different?
    CodeBlue isn't just about diet and exercise; it's a holistic approach that incorporates mindset, community support, and customization to fit your personal needs and lifestyle. Other apps don't work because while they give you all the tools that you need, they don't provide the level of accountability that you are looking for to help you actually execute. Personal trainers are expensive and can't provide you the macro recommendations that you need to make actual changes to your body. And, their business is based on you coming back week after week to work out with them only. Personally, I don't want to see you after 6 months, unless you're so locked in that you don't need me anymore and are ready to lead other men and work alongside of me, not under me.
  • Do I have to belong to a gym?
    No, but even having access to a cheap 24-hour gym is going to accelerate you much more than any other approach. We have guys that have great Home Gyms, but we've also seen a lot of success with guys using really simple equipment at home such as dumbbells and bands.
  • Do I have to get up at 4am?
    No, you can work out on your own schedule. We know that as doctors, lawyers, and high Achievers, your schedule is busy and your time is your most valuable asset. That being said, the guys that have the most success in the program have a dedicated time each day that they perform their workouts. For me, I found that getting up early and working out before the whole family gets up, allows me to fill my cup and be ready for the work day and to serve the family when they get up. The king eats first so that he can lead the others.
  • Is CodeBlue a bodybuilding program?
    No, CodeBlue is a comprehensive food, fitness and accountability program. We use core bodybuilding workouts and exercises paired with high and low intensity cardio because that is what works. OrangeTheory, Burn Boot Camp, running clubs -- they will offset calorie intake and make you feel good, but to achieve the body that you want you have to engage in resistance training. As we get older and lose muscle mass each year this is even more important as it sets us up to avoid being decrepit old men when we're in our sixties.If you don't believe me just look around.
  • Is CodeBlue in-person training?
    CodeBlue is delivered 100% online. Once signed up, you'll get instructed on how to download our app onto your phone. You will receive all of your workouts, recipes, track your food and communicate with me and your teammates via the app.

Did we answer everything? If not, send us your specific question and we'll get right back with you.


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